J.P. Morgan Eye on The Market

J.P. Morgan Private Bank CIO Michael Cembalest on the Energy Transition | Part 2

Podcast: Eye on the Market


Episode: The Elephants in the Room: Part Two, Transmission and electric vehicles

Length: 20 min

Produced By: J.P. Morgan

Date: May 12, 2022


Part 2 of a 4 part series discussing key takeaways from the J.P. Morgan Eye On the Market 2022 Annual Energy Paper.

Part 2 focuses on electrification – EV adoption by gasoline super-users and building new transmission, which “may be the single largest roadblock in the entire renewable energy transition.”


Over the last 20 years – share of electricity as % of total energy use has risen just 2-3% in most countries (very slow rate of change)

    • Large & mid-sized countries – use electricity for 15-20% of overall primary energy consumption
    • Only countries like Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland are above this, and these countries have abundant hydro and geothermal power
      • They are not representative

Enormous gap between the amount of transmission capacity we have (measured as gigawatt miles) and what the decarbonization plans require

Very hard to build new transmission

  • In the U.S. – transmission capacity has grown only 2% per year since 1978, only 1% over past 5 year
  • Nowhere near robust grid needed to support electrification of energy use

    States rights, eminent domain issues are real world obstacles to deeper decarbonization

      • Transmission projects blocked all across the country by landowners, conservation groups
      • Eminent domain not being used for transmission
        • Ex. Northern pass from Quebec to Mass
          • Would have replaced natural gas with cheaper and cleaner Canadian hydro power
          • Rejected by NH and Maine

    Interconnection Queues – line up and apply to be added to grid

      • Even once transmission projects get go-ahead, they need to connect to the grid itself
      • Used to be simple when developers were adding large nuclear and natural gas plants
      • Now with hundreds of smaller scale renewable projects its longer
        • Can take up to 4 years for approval
      • Amount of wind/solar capacity in queues now is many multiples existing wind/solar capacity

    Transmission issuemay be the single largest road block in entire renewable energy transition

    Electric Vehicles

    Sales gathering steam, growing as % of a given year sales

      • Still a small % of overall vehicles

    Gasoline super users: top 10% of drivers burn 1/3 of all gasoline, more than gasoline burned by bottom 60% of all drivers (In the U.S.)

    Policy idea – pay people for gallon of displaced gasoline

      • Problem with current system – someone who barely drives gets same EV rebate as someone who drives a ton
      • Incentive to switch is not being maximized
    Metals Prices

    Rising metal prices have implication for lithium ion EV battery costs

    Batteries are not the same

      • 3 main types, some use a lot of Nickel and Cobalt, and some don’t

    EV battery supply chain could see shortages that resemble current semiconductor shortages in the long run

      • 90% of supply chain people are envisioning by 2030 does not exist yet

    This may slow EV adoption in next 3-5 years

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